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Baker and Culver Push for Solutions to Rural Education Funding Disparities
March 20, 2025

Baker and Culver Push for Solutions to Rural Education Funding Disparities

In response to growing concerns from rural school officials and taxpayers regarding inadequate funding increases in Gov. Josh Shapiro’s proposed budget, Sens. Lisa Baker (R-20) and Lynda Schlegel Culver (R-27) are calling for urgent action to address disparities in education funding across Pennsylvania’s rural communities.  [Read More]

Baker Urges Pennsylvanians to Apply for Grow PA Scholarship Grant Program Now
March 13, 2025

Baker Urges Pennsylvanians to Apply for Grow PA Scholarship Grant Program Now

Sen. Lisa Baker (R-20) is encouraging college students and individuals seeking career training programs in high-demand industries to apply now for the Grow PA Scholarship Grant Program through the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA).  [Read More]

Legislators Raise Concerns Over Rate Increase Requests; Encourage Residents to Comment
March 5, 2025

Legislators Raise Concerns Over Rate Increase Requests; Encourage Residents to Comment

Sen. Lisa Baker (R-Luzerne/Pike/Susquehanna/Wayne/Wyoming) and Rep. Jeff Olsommer (R-Wayne/Pike) sent a letter this week to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) questioning Pike County Light and Power’s general rate increase requests for its natural gas and electricity customers.  [Read More]

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March 4, 2025

Budget Hearing Q&A: Corrections/Parole Board (Part 2)

Senator Lisa Baker questions Secretary of Corrections Laurel Harry and Parole Board Chairman Jim Fox during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Corrections and the PA Parole Board. Senator Baker is the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.   [Read More]

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Good luck, @philadelphiaeagles - bring the Lombardi Trophy back to PA! #superbowllix #gobirds #flyeaglesfly
Recognizing #nationallawenforcementappreciationday - thank you to those serving and protecting our communities every day.
Offering the prayer at the start of our 2025-26 legislative session where newly and reelected members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly were sworn in. #swearingin #pasenate #publicservice
Merry Christmas! Gary and I are sending everyone wishes for a day filled with laughter, love and cherished traditions. #merrychristmas #laughter #love #cherishedtraditions
Waiting for Santa…🎅🏻🐾
#gobirds 🦅
The stunning tragedy and enduring infamy of the attack on Pearl Harbor remains seared in our memory and still pains hearts across our nation.  We can never forget the lives lost that day, military and civilian, the devastating impact on families and friends of the victims, or the additional lives sacrificed in the months it took America to develop the capacity to respond and achieve victory over fascism.  The timeless lesson is the high cost of unpreparedness, when we for too long look inward and fail to see the storm clouds building around the globe.  Every national leader should go to the Pearl Harbor Memorial and reflect on its solemn and profound meaning. #pearlharborremembranceday #wwii #neverforget
Transforming Cancer Care in NEPA! Proud to support the nation’s first cancer respite center @woodloch serving 4,000+ annually. This innovative project by @takeabreakfromcancer offers healing and renewal for families navigating cancer. #takeabreakfromcancer #woodloch #cancerrespite #nepa

Meet Lisa Baker

Senator Lisa Baker is serving her fifth term representing the 20th Senatorial District, which includes substantial parts of Luzerne and Wayne counties, and all of Pike, Susquehanna, and Wyoming counties. She is noted for her accessibility in the district, for her practical and reasonable approach to problem-solving and her bipartisan work on constructive legislation. Numerous community organizations and projects have benefitted from her concerted advocacy. Working with county and municipal officials, she has helped to secure essential funding to support community priorities.
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