Recent News
Baker and Culver Push for Solutions to Rural Education Funding Disparities
In response to growing concerns from rural school officials and taxpayers regarding inadequate funding increases in Gov. Josh Shapiro’s proposed budget, Sens. Lisa Baker (R-20) and Lynda Schlegel Culver (R-27) are calling for urgent action to address disparities in education funding across Pennsylvania’s rural communities. [Read More]
Baker Urges Pennsylvanians to Apply for Grow PA Scholarship Grant Program Now
Sen. Lisa Baker (R-20) is encouraging college students and individuals seeking career training programs in high-demand industries to apply now for the Grow PA Scholarship Grant Program through the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA). [Read More]
Legislators Raise Concerns Over Rate Increase Requests; Encourage Residents to Comment
Sen. Lisa Baker (R-Luzerne/Pike/Susquehanna/Wayne/Wyoming) and Rep. Jeff Olsommer (R-Wayne/Pike) sent a letter this week to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) questioning Pike County Light and Power’s general rate increase requests for its natural gas and electricity customers. [Read More]
Budget Hearing Q&A: Corrections/Parole Board (Part 2)
Senator Lisa Baker questions Secretary of Corrections Laurel Harry and Parole Board Chairman Jim Fox during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Corrections and the PA Parole Board. Senator Baker is the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. [Read More]
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As one of Pennsylvania’s top industries, agriculture directly impacts our health, economy, and communities. I was delighted to spend some time today at Susquehanna Ag Day shining a spotlight on those working tirelessly to provide us with fresh produce, meat, and dairy products. #nationalagricultureweek

The weather didn’t dampen our Irish spirit at the 2nd Annual Milford St. Patrick’s Day Parade! ☘️ #stpatricksdayparade #stpaddysday #milford

PA has lost a leader of surpassing capability & commitment. Her command of facts & ability to ask probing questions had few parallels. Those who served with her recall foremost her deep sense of integrity & ethics. She was a friend, mentor & trusted confidant.

Penn State Extension and Honesdale High School held the 2025 Wayne County Ag Day during National FFA Week to highlight the diversity of agricultural education and showcase cutting-edge technologies. Attendees were also able to sample local dairy products, meats, and ice cream produced by area agribusinesses. #pennstateextension #agriculture #agribusiness #nationalffaweek

Joining @senatorargall & @reprosemarybrown to provide a state budget update and discuss mental health services, fire & EMS, housing, and other issues facing our counties at the County Commissioners Association of PA District 7 meeting. #pasenate #pabudget #countycommissioners

I recently joined @senatorpittman and @reprosemarybrown for a tour of @poconoorganics a USDA Certified Organic Farm and regenerative organic certified hemp grower that partners with @rodaleinstitute
Sprawling more the 380 acres, the site houses over 38,000 square feet of greenhouse growing space standing 35 feet tall. Guests can also enjoy and purchase produce year-round in the Organic Farm Market and Cafè.
Pocono Organics focuses on the gold standards of regenerative, sustainable, and organic requirements. Their “loyal to the soil” mission means they are driven to continue organic agriculture practices promoting healthy soil that creates healthy food. #organicfarming #organicfood #organicproducts

Enjoyed spending some time with the Back Mountain Small Business Network to discuss the new legislative session and the services my office provides. Not only do these entrepreneurs support one another, but they are also very active in our community supporting those in need. #smallbusiness #entrepreneurs #communityminded

Good luck, @philadelphiaeagles - bring the Lombardi Trophy back to PA! #superbowllix #gobirds #flyeaglesfly

Girl Scouts Evoni Krasulski and Olivia Wulff were in Harrisburg as part of Troop PA ceremonies celebrating the achievements of women in government leadership roles. They also joined me for a #PASenate Judiciary Committee meeting and got to speak with Brig. Gen. John R. Pippy, whose nomination to serve as the adjutant general of the @pa.dmva unanimously advanced from the Veterans Affairs and Emergency Committee.

Happy 85th to my dear friend Roberta Roberts-Hughes - so glad to celebrate another BERTDAY with you!

@repbresnahan invited the community to join him as he took his oath of office at the Luzerne County Courthouse today. Rob will stand up for families and advance policies to improve the quality of life in northeastern Pennsylvania. I look forward to working with him and @repmeuser to fix problems and create opportunity.

Recognizing #nationallawenforcementappreciationday - thank you to those serving and protecting our communities every day.

Offering the prayer at the start of our 2025-26 legislative session where newly and reelected members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly were sworn in. #swearingin #pasenate #publicservice

I was proud to offer the opening prayer and participate in marking the start of the 2025-26 legislative session with the swearing-in of newly and reelected members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly. #swearingin #pasenate #publicservice

Merry Christmas! Gary and I are sending everyone wishes for a day filled with laughter, love and cherished traditions. #merrychristmas #laughter #love #cherishedtraditions

I had the pleasure of joining Brigadier General John Pippy, Pennsylvania’s Acting Adjutant General and head of the PA Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, to spread some holiday cheer at the Gino J. Merli Veterans’ Center. We visited with residents, delivered some special gifts and thanked them for their service and sacrifice. Happy Holidays to all!

This year’s Capitol Christmas tree is a stunning 24-foot Douglas fir from Crystal Springs Tree Farm in Carbon County, is the largest in more than a decade. It was decorated by our dedicated Department of General Services team with 1,250 lights and more than 700 ornaments crafted by pre-kindergarten students and senior citizens throughout Pennsylvania. #christmastrees #christmastreedecorating #christmastraditions

The stunning tragedy and enduring infamy of the attack on Pearl Harbor remains seared in our memory and still pains hearts across our nation. We can never forget the lives lost that day, military and civilian, the devastating impact on families and friends of the victims, or the additional lives sacrificed in the months it took America to develop the capacity to respond and achieve victory over fascism. The timeless lesson is the high cost of unpreparedness, when we for too long look inward and fail to see the storm clouds building around the globe. Every national leader should go to the Pearl Harbor Memorial and reflect on its solemn and profound meaning. #pearlharborremembranceday #wwii #neverforget

2nd Annual Luzerne County District Attorney’s Veterans Brunch - in honor of Vererans Day and in memory of US Army veteran Stephen Giza.

Transforming Cancer Care in NEPA! Proud to support the nation’s first cancer respite center @woodloch serving 4,000+ annually. This innovative project by @takeabreakfromcancer offers healing and renewal for families navigating cancer. #takeabreakfromcancer #woodloch #cancerrespite #nepa