HARRISBURG – Sen. Lisa Baker (R-20) unveiled a package of four legislative reform proposals aimed at enhancing ethical standards, ensuring accountability and rebuilding public trust in government. The package includes measures to ban cash and other gifts to public officials, create an independent legislative conduct review board and allow legislators to reject cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs).
“For years now, state legislators have heard rising public concerns about conflicts of interest on the part of elected and appointed officials. This has led to demands for greater transparency, stronger standards and increased accountability,” said Baker. “I’ve previously introduced gift ban legislation and am hopeful these bills will be given priority for action early in the new legislative session so we can build momentum for more far-reaching reforms.”
Details of the legislative package:
Cash Gift Ban
This amendment would prohibit public officials and employees from accepting cash gifts – such as currency, checks, gift cards, prepaid debit cards or virtual currency – from lobbyists, principals, consultants or others attempting to influence legislative or administrative decisions. However, it allows gifts from close relatives if they are motivated by personal or family relationships. The amendment expands on the Senate Ethical Conduct Rules to create a more comprehensive state law.
Comprehensive Gift Ban
This measure prohibits public officials and employees from soliciting or accepting most gifts, with a few exceptions. Banned gifts include meals, travel and entertainment, although reasonable exclusions are allowed for items of nominal value, awards, charity events and legally reported campaign contributions. It specifically targets gifts from lobbyists, principals, contractors and others seeking to influence government decisions.
Legislative Conduct Review Board
This proposal creates an independent board to investigate and evaluate allegations of unethical conduct, harassment or public corruption involving legislators. The board will include legislators, experts and laypersons to provide diverse perspectives and ensure impartial decisions. It also permits the temporary suspension of voting and committee participation for legislators under credible investigation.
Legislative COLA Refusal
This measure allows members of the General Assembly to decline annual cost-of-living adjustments by submitting a written refusal. It provides legislators with an opportunity to demonstrate fiscal responsibility and set a positive example for prudent spending.
“These proposals reflect the values and priorities of Pennsylvanians who demand accountability and fairness in government,” said Baker. “I urge my colleagues to join me in advancing these initiatives to show that we are serious about earning and maintaining the public’s trust.”
Baker’s legislative package builds on bipartisan efforts from previous sessions, with several measures already earning support from senators across party lines.
CONTACT: Jennifer Wilson