Senator Baker Encourages Local Organizations to Apply for DCNR Community Conservation Partnerships Program Grants
January 20, 2023

Senator Baker Encourages Local Organizations to Apply for DCNR Community Conservation Partnerships Program Grants

Counties, municipalities and municipal agencies, pre-qualified land trusts, non-profits and other eligible organizations interested in applying for conservation, recreation, trail, and riparian buffer grants through the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) may do so now, according to state Senator Lisa Baker (R-20).  [Read More]

Disability Advocate Available at Senator Baker’s Dallas Office on January 27
January 19, 2023

Disability Advocate Available at Senator Baker’s Dallas Office on January 27

A representative from MyCIL (Northeast PA Center for Independent Living) will be at Senator Baker’s Dallas office at 22 Dallas Shopping Center, Memorial Highway on January 27, from 10 AM to 12 PM.  [Read More]

Senate Approves Bill to Prevent Gas Tax Increase, Help Pennsylvanians at the Pump
January 11, 2023

Senate Approves Bill to Prevent Gas Tax Increase, Help Pennsylvanians at the Pump

Taking significant action to protect Pennsylvanians’ wallets, the Senate today approved a bill to stop the automatic gas tax increase for 2023, according to Sen. Lisa Baker (R-20).  [Read More]

Disability Advocate Available at Senator Baker’s Hawley Office on January 19
January 10, 2023

Disability Advocate Available at Senator Baker’s Hawley Office on January 19

A representative from MyCIL (Northeast PA Center for Independent Living) will be at Senator Baker’s Hawley office at 2512 Route 6 on January 19, from 10 AM to 12 PM.  [Read More]

VFW Service Officer Available to Help Veterans  at Senator Baker’s Dallas Office on January 13
January 9, 2023

VFW Service Officer Available to Help Veterans at Senator Baker’s Dallas Office on January 13

State Senator Lisa Baker (R-20) invites veterans to schedule an appointment to meet with a VFW Service Officer at her Dallas office location.  Appointments with a Service Officer are available at no charge on the second Friday of every month.    [Read More]

Baker Joins Republican Leadership Team, Reappointed as Judiciary Chair
January 9, 2023

Baker Joins Republican Leadership Team, Reappointed as Judiciary Chair

State Senator Lisa Baker (R-20) will begin the 2023-2024 legislative session as part of the Senate Republican leadership team, serving as Majority Caucus Administrator. She will once again chair the state Senate Judiciary Committee, a panel that has jurisdiction over an array of highly charged issues and has a large number of bills referred to it each session.  [Read More]

VFW Service Officer Available to Help Veterans at Senator Baker’s Hawley Office on December 1
November 22, 2022

VFW Service Officer Available to Help Veterans at Senator Baker’s Hawley Office on December 1

State Senator Lisa Baker (R-20) invites veterans to schedule an appointment to meet with a VFW Service Officer at her Hawley office location.  Appointments with a Service Officer are available at no charge on the first Thursday of every month.   [Read More]

Baker Joins Senate Republican Leadership Team
November 18, 2022

Baker Joins Senate Republican Leadership Team

As part of the new Senate Republican Caucus leadership team for the 2023-24 legislative session, today, Senator Lisa Baker (R-20) was appointed by Interim Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-39) to serve as the Senate Majority Caucus Administrator.  [Read More]

New Law Supports Pennsylvania’s Military Families
November 4, 2022

New Law Supports Pennsylvania’s Military Families

Deployments present military families with a number of challenges.  A loophole preventing spouses from collecting unemployment is no longer one of them, as a result of a new law advanced by Senator Lisa Baker (R-20).  [Read More]

General Assembly Announces $3M Pilot Mental Health Program for Schools
November 1, 2022

General Assembly Announces $3M Pilot Mental Health Program for Schools

Pennsylvania General Assembly members from both chambers and both parties today heralded the introduction of a mental health pilot program for public schools across the commonwealth.   [Read More]

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