Senator Baker E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Department of Corrections and PA Parole Board Budget Hearing Highlights
  • Bresnahan Hosts Roundtable Discussion with EPA Administrator
  • Beware: Rise in Scams Involving Bitcoin ATMs
  • Open Now: PennDOT Survey About Your Transportation Needs
  • New Recommendations for PA Poultry Producers to Prevent Spread of HPAI
  • Veterans Views Seeks to Help Service Members and Their Families

Department of Corrections and PA Parole Board Budget Hearing Highlights

In February, Gov. Shapiro proposed a $51.5 billion budget for fiscal year 2025-2026 that would increase state spending by 7.5% over the current year’s budget. Based on projections, this plan will create a funding shortfall of more than $27 billion in the next five years.

On Tuesday, the Senate Appropriations Committee held a budget hearing for the Department of Corrections and Pennsylvania Parole Board. As Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is charged with the oversight of both agencies, I had the opportunity to ask questions about their proposed budgets and operations. The Shapiro administration has proposed $3.3 billion in spending for the Department of Corrections, an increase of $143 million.

This year, the proposed closures of SCI Quehanna and SCI Rockview are key factors in the department’s request. Among other topics, I asked how this will affect local economies and what the plans are for the reuse of these facilities. I also inquired about overtime costs, the steps they are taking to fill the large number of corrections officer vacancies, and whether the current caseload for parole agents is affecting public safety.

Learn more here:

Department of Corrections/Parole Board Budget Hearing Q&A Part 1

Department of Corrections/Parole Board Hearing Q&A Part 2

Complete Department of Corrections/Parole Board Budget Hearing

Bresnahan Hosts Roundtable Discussion with EPA Administrator

Congressman Rob Bresnahan recently held a roundtable with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lee Zeldin and state and local officials to discuss Pennsylvania’s role in helping to prioritize national energy policy. Topics included the “rain tax” some area residents are paying as part of federal MS4 stormwater program and the Delaware River Basin Commission’s gas drilling moratorium.

In my region and other parts of the Susquehanna River drainage basin, controversy continues to rage over the imposition of stormwater fees. To date, advocacy and litigation have not overturned or overhauled the system, but we are hopeful something can be done to address this unfunded federal mandate.

For years, landowners in the Delaware River drainage basin have lived under a gas drilling moratorium, which has prevented them from realizing the economic benefits afforded to landowners in nearly every other part of the state. The legislature never gave authority to the DRBC to act in a manner inconsistent with Pennsylvania law. In my judgment, such deprivation of property rights constitutes a “taking” just the same as if the property were condemned for a transportation project or for any other public use.

Beware: Rise in Scams Involving Bitcoin ATMs

Attorney General Dave Sunday is warning Pennsylvanians that scammers are now using Bitcoin ATMs, or “BTMs,” to gain access to other people’s money. This scam starts with messages that sound urgent, like “protect your money” or “take care of any criminal charges.” Unsuspecting consumers may also be persuaded to act because scammers have personal information, such as their bank or financial situation.

After coercing a consumer into making large cash withdrawals, the cyber criminals tell the consumer to deposit the funds into a BTM. Following that deposit, the criminals ask the consumer to scan and send a QR code, which gives the criminal access to the funds. It also, in most cases, makes it impossible to get the money back.

Financial scams typically start with a telephone call, text message, email, social media message or an alert on your computer. Avoid falling prey by never responding directly to unexpected calls or withdrawing cash in response to an unexpected call or message. Learn more ways to protect yourself from scammers.

Open Now: PennDOT Survey About Your Transportation Needs

Motorists are encouraged to share feedback regarding their transportation needs and concerns with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) via its Transportation Survey before April 30. Responses will impact the 12-Year Program, which lists statewide planned projects and assigns funding to them. You may also call 717-783-2262 to request a paper copy or to complete the survey over the phone.

Before filling out the survey, you may wish to review the 2025 Transportation Performance Report. Recently released by the State Transportation Commission (STC), the report contains information about how Pennsylvania’s transportation system performed in the last two years.

There will also be an online public forum on Thursday, April 10, featuring a presentation from Secretary of Transportation Michael Carroll, as well as a live question-and-answer session with PennDOT personnel and STC members. Register for the forum and submit your transportation questions for the Q&A session by filling out the registration form or emailing them to

New Recommendations for PA Poultry Producers to Prevent Spread of HPAI

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has issued new recommendations for poultry producers to combat the spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).

The department is recommending heightened biosecurity focusing on preventing contact of poultry with wild birds and dairy cattle. It also recommends maintaining poultry indoors if possible during this period of heightened risk.

HPAI has been circulating in the wild bird population in the United States and was identified in commercial poultry in early 2022. In addition, 17 new cases have been confirmed in dairy herds in four states in the past 30 days. No cases have been reported in PA dairies to date.

Poultry producers can find more information and contacts for assistance here.

Veterans Views Seeks to Help Service Members and Their Families

This week, I join former Lackawanna County Judge Tom Munley and Lt. Col. (Ret.) John “Slick” Baum on Eyewitness News WBRE WYOU’s Veterans Views to talk about my legislative efforts in support of those who have served our nation, including enhancing oversight at our state veterans’ centers and providing bonus payments for veterans of the Global War on Terror.


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